Back to being “employed”.

I’ll start working (again) tomorrow. To be quite honest, I took the job out of desperation (again, it was the one with the lowest salary expectation), but given that the process was quite smooth I cannot complain too much (which surprised me, because it’s a freelance/contractor position). My only concern so far is whether I’ll be able to lurk/shitpost on fedi, since I have to use a private VPN to connect to the company’s git instance and Jenkins and wotnot. Like, I know most sysadmins don’t read logs, but browsing on 3 different fedi instances at the time can use a bit of bandwith.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

I fucking love this movieI fucking love this movie.

Like most life events, getting hired again comes with good, bad and ugly things.

The Good is that, while the contract renews on a yearly basis, I can quit at any time without penalties. Aaaaand it has a non-exclusivity clause, so I can take a side-gig to make more munnies (if I have time, that is).

The Bad is that now I have to deal with a lot of unfinished/ongoing recruiting processes, so that’ll be quite uncomfortable (joke’s on them, they’re too damn slow, it’s almost as if they don’t want to hire people or want to hire a cheaper pajeet or nigger).

The Ugly is that I’ll probably have to quit sooner than expected (I initially gave it like 4 months), but since my migration process is speeding up (luckily), it could be 2-3 months tops before crossing the pond (I’m moving to Europe, btw, will write about that later)… Which will suck in my résumé. Not that I should care, it’s a reloc process, I’ll end up working almost immediately after arriving.


So, here’s today’s rant: a few days ago I listed my PS3 for sale (like, I’m in dire need of money, only a couple of hundred bucks left in my account and almost 3 grand in debts), and some random guy on the page I published the ad tried to buy it, but he looked iffy as fuck. Anyways, I agreed to sell and then he send me his address to send him the PS3 and told me he paid through the page… which is bullshit, that site deactivated the integrated payment years ago. I immediately blocked him on WhatsApp, and reported his account to the site’s personnel, who ended up banning him.

Good thing I didn’t fall for that shit. Guess I better keep my console for when I move out.

That’s all!

I wanna wreck her uoooooh! Here, some cunny to end this post ;)